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I never personally recommend products, but I am making an exception. I have found, tested and I USE in my own home a special $29 advanced warning seismograph alarm (earthquake detector) that is of great value to anyone living in an earthquake zone like California, Oklahoma or Japan. It can give you many seconds advance warning before you are really shaken hard by an earthquake or an aftershock with an epicenter several miles away because it detects the slight early vibrations before you can feel them. It looks like this
To read more about my experience with this excellent device click HERE.
Click here to get your earthquake alarm seismograph warning system.
To those not familiar with the well documented, peer reviewed and published, and NASA and NOAA satellite monitored scientifically reviewed principals behind the planetary /sun/ earth interaction let me bring you up to speed.
Quite a few studies link increased probability of earthquakes with increased solar flare/flux output. The mechanism is believed to be extra heating of the ionosphere raising and lowering the atmospheric height. Here is a photo from NASA of the ionosphere glowing with energy from the solar wind creating what we call the Northern Lights.
Like a spinning ice skater tucking in her arms,
Other possible mechanisms are possible electromagnetic field interaction with the rotating metallic core of the earth or a piezoelectric expansion and contraction of rocks in the earth. Electric currents streaming out of stressed igneous rocks: A step towards understanding pre-earthquake low frequency EM emissions
Other possibilities including static discharges related to atmospheric moisture content.
Large precursor electrical signals have been detected before many earthquakes including famously before the World Series earthquake in San Francisco.
The origin of those signals is not known but peer reviewed studies in some cases ruled out ground sources but specifically excluded off ground sources from the data set.
Earthquake faults heating up from new stresses can be detected on infra-red satellites now and unusual fault heating along with ions over the fault can under the right atmospheric conditions also cause moisture to rise from the earth at the fault which can condense to form a high altitude "earthquake cloud" that sometimes points like campfire smoke to the fault about to rupture. This was specifically seen on satellite above Iran before a quake ( ).
It is also possible to detect changes in the electrical field over the ground in space near earthquake faults under stress and we are working on delivering data sources of that to you. Until recently the French Demeter satellite did this, but they did not share their data and the satellite was turned of March 17, 2011. It however detected clearly ionospheric electrical activity as a decrease in electron density above Haiti three days before the mag 7 earthquake on January 12, 2010. It also observed an increase in the densities and a decrease in the temperature which were well localized above the future epicenter in Samoa seven days before that earthquake on September 29, 2009.
Another method of predicting earthquakes has identified the influence of the moon's angle to the equator or distance from earth in its orbit as a factor. The former brojon.com website used this technique to some success:
"(Fig. 3) This chart shows the accuracy of the BroJon Calculator for the last half year. The predictions showed that the highest probability observed in the past several decades occurred on Dec 26, 2004, when the moon was full and on the same day was at highest declination extension, along with the sun at opposition and at lowest winter declination on Dec 21. The computer model also predicted the dates of the largest earthquakes for each of the succeding months within several days. This is the same program used to make Fig. 1 above."
Earthquake Alarm that can give you extra seconds of advanced warning
LIVE IMAGE! California/Nevada Earthquakes from the past week show up in this image.
LIVE IMAGE! Geomagnetic readings from Barrow, Alaska today show up here.
Current California Tidal Forces show up here.
Sponsor message - Prepare yourself! The Bug Out Bag Book: How To Create An Emergency Gear Bag.
Comparison Plots of Earth Orientation Variations and Atmospheric Excitation:
Variations in the distribution and flow of the Earth's fluid constituents are thought to be responsible for the observed variations in the Earth's polar motion and rate of rotation (UT1). This reflects the physical principle of conservation of angular momentum for the whole-Earth system, including both the solid and fluid parts.
The plots below compare the geodetically observed EOP variations (Green and Blue lines)with the expected effects due to the atmosphere (red lines). While the atmosphere is only one of the geophysical fluids responsible for EOP variations, it is the most important and most accurately observed. The atmosphere data used here are produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) as a byproduct of their meteorological assimilation models. Two time series of geodetic observations are shown for comparison -- the Bulletin A combination (Blue Line) and the IGS Final series based on GPS data only (Green Line).
Two years of data
Data Since 1996
Clearly the correlation is nearly exact!
One hour's current Earth/Solar Wind magneto-pause interface prediction from ACE spacecraft
This changing solar wind that is deforming the Earth's "electric cloud" is a huge amount of force.
How much?
Routinely it is in the 8 to 12 GIGAWATT range. Yes that's GIGAWATTS. A gigawatt is 1000 times a mega watt. The San Onofre Nuclear power plant only generates 2 Gigawatts. When this force hits the earth it tends to head in at the poles and this lights up huge parts of the earth's sky known as the northern lights. Yes, it's that strong and more. This satellite watches the Aurora and estimates where the northern lights will be. When the solar wind is very strong the Aurora or "northern lights" can be seen all the way south to California.
Current Auroral Estimate ( one indication of the solar wind)
That is FAR more power than exerted by many influences on the earth and plenty to exert physically phenomenon such as spin changes and earth electrical interactions. (in fact the 1989 Canadian power blackout was traced directly to a solar flare) .
Current Solar wind gauge (another indication of the solar wind now)
NOAA-15(N)2802119 53.7 8 1.050
NOAA-17(N)2802128 59.5 8 1.179
NOAA-18(N)2802148 288.9 10 0.906
*288.9 GIGAWATTS folks that is a real shot across the earth's bow. typically one effect is northern lights can be seen in middle California during these events.
NOAA-16(S)2802201 85.6 9 0.654
NOAA-15(S)2802210 133.4 10 0.785
NOAA-17(S)2802218 93.6 9 0.916
NOAA-18(S)2802240 84.1 9 0.633
NOAA-16(N)2802252 68.8 9 1.049
NOAA-15(N)2802300 216.7 10 1.099
NOAA-17(N)2802307 90.0 9 1.304
NOAA-18(N)2802331 125.7 10 1.130
NOAA-16(S)2802344 43.9 8 0.737
NOAA-15(S)2802351 85.9 9 0.617
NOAA-17(S)2802358 70.6 9 0.889
NOAA-18(S)2810023 72.2 9 0.808
NOAA-16(N)2810036 61.5 9 1.335
NOAA-15(N)2810042 152.8 10 1.484
NOAA-17(N)2810047 120.5 10 1.250
NOAA-18(N)2810115 110.7 10 1.449
NOAA-16(S)2810128 76.0 9 0.745
NOAA-15(S)2810133 60.7 8 0.587
Sponsor message - Prepare yourself! The Bug Out Bag Book: How To Create An Emergency Gear Bag.
Also read http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003/23oct_superstorm.htm which discusses the 1859 super storm and the 1989 flare storm which took out the Canadian Power grid.
Many scientists have studied these forces as peered reviewed contributors to the Journal of Geophysical Research.
I quote "To research the "perfect space storm" of 1859, Tsurutani and co-writers Walter Gonzalez, of the Brazilian National Space Institute, and Gurbax Lakhina and Sobhana Alex, of the India Institute of Geomagnetism, used previously reported ground, solar and auroral observations, and recently re-discovered ground-based magnetic- field data from Colaba Observatory in India. The findings were published in a recent issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research.""
Here's where it gets REALLY interesting.
Did you know those 200 variable solar wind GIGAWATT were directly influenced by the positions of the planets. Yes. They really were. "How can that be?" You might say. "That sounds like nonsense!"
In fact as any astronomer will tell you, the whole solar system does not revolve around the sun like you were taught in grade school. Actually it all -including the sun- revolves around the center of gravity of the WHOLE solar SYSTEM called the Barycenter. The position of Jupiter - because it is SO big even though it is far from the Sun- is also one of the primary determiners of the position of the barycenter. Consider the barycenter as the center of the teeter totter and Jupiter is the fat kid sitting way out at the end of the long plank. He can really tilt everything a lot.
Two bodies with a slight difference in mass orbiting around a common barycenter.
Two bodies with a major difference in mass orbiting around a common barycenter.
Two bodies with an extreme difference in mass orbiting around a common barycenter.
The position of the solar system's center of gravity or Barycenter is computed in Ephemera by astronomers every day. Astronomers calculate where the planets will be many years in the future and for 100's of years in the past. it's easy using computers because the planets follow predictable paths based on gravity and orbits. So the location of the center of gravity of the whole solar system barycenter is known in the future because it is determined by the all planet's orbital positions which can be precisely calculated as well 100's of years in past and present .
Occasionally when the planets align in certain ways the barycenter can pass right through the sun itself. This is a bit like your dog occasionally walking right through your body. As you can imagine that could possibly effect your circulation patterns and that is what happens with the sun. Remember the Sun is not solid. It is very fluid like with internal circulation patterns that can easily get disturbed just like you can spoil a whirlpool in a drain with just the tip of your little finger. When the sun's circulation patterns are affected, solar flares and periods of high solar activity can result.
Even when the barycenter just nudges the edge of sun it can really mess with it. And Mercury is close enough to toy with the sun all by itself.
Mercury despite it's small size has the greatest measured effect on the sun because of how close it is to the Sun. Venus and Jupiter are next in line because of Venus's close proximity and Jupiter's huge size respectively.
So you see there ARE big direct scientifically measurable effects of other planets on the earth because of their positions affecting the sun which directly affects us in a huge way.
The sun like a water hose nozzle and the planets can squeeze that nozzle and greatly effect the jets of Solar wind that hit earth.So don't be quite so quick to scoff at the possible physical influence of the planets and the sun on the earth (and therefore possibly on earthquake timing). The planetary/solar effect on earth is real and measured by NASA EVERY SINGLE DAY. and variations in the sun's Sunspots have been measured for over 400 yrs.
So we now know that gravity is by no means the greatest force exerted on the planet earth by other planets. So Carl Sagan's famous quote about "the nurses' gravity affecting you more than the gravity of a planet" not withstanding, poor Carl (who I loved and respected) missed the relevant mechanism. I assure you that your nurse had nothing like the effect of 200 GIGAWATTS of Solar wind on you no matter how electrifying she may have been.
There are many intricacies of solar wind - for example the polarity of the solar wind changes every 28 days. The Sun's polarized solar wind would look like spokes of a wheel if you could see it. I would propose the moon's orbit settled the way it did to synchronize with the changing polarity of the sun's solar wind because when it was non synchronous the forces on the congealing moon mass would nudge it in the right direction.
Many people have tied surges in solar wind to earthquakes, and I have now shown you how it might work. The data is there and secondary detected effects also sometimes coincide and have been detected. For example the low EM waves that scientists sometimes have been detected before quakes could easily be affects of solar wind bursts hitting the Earth. The best studies of those EM signals preceding the Loma Preita earthquake EXCLUDED non earth originations of the EM waves and found no correlation to quakes. This means if there is a correlation the waves must originate off earth as a solar wind would ( the Stanford scientists leading the study assumed the waves were earth originating and hence specifically excluded data signals from space thus unknowingly excluding the possible primary data stream.)
Sponsor message - Prepare yourself! The Bug Out Bag Book: How To Create An Emergency Gear Bag.
According to none other than a sitting Secretary of Defense Cohen in 1997 in a speech you can check yourself on the Defense Department's Website he claimed people were working on weapons "whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
Here is the original info plus the original link to his full speech on
the official Department of Defense website.
Here is the original excerpt. If you don't believe it I highly suggest you go to the website directly and read it with your own eyes before they take it down. http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=674
If they do take it down find it here: Defense Secretary Cohen's Speech about countries developing earthquake weapons
It's pretty fascinating. Here is the relevant portion of the question and answer period in its completeness. Answers are by Defense Secretary Cohen himself.
DoD News Briefing
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen
Monday, April 28, 1997 - 8:45 a.m. EDT
Cohen's keynote address at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass
Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center, Mahler Auditorium,
University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. The event is part of the Sam Nunn
Policy Forum being hosted by the University of Georgia. Secretary Cohen
is joined by Sen. Sam Nunn and Sen. Richard G. Lugar.]
I quote directly from the defense Secretary's comments on that page
"Others are engaging
even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate,
set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of
electromagnetic waves. "
More completely see his response to the question.
Begin Quoted text
Q: Let me ask you specifically about last week's scare here in
Washington, and what we might have learned from how prepared we are to
deal with that (inaudible), at B'nai Brith.
A: Well, it points out the nature of the threat. It turned out to be a
false threat under the circumstances. But as we've learned in the
intelligence community, we had something called -- and we have James
Woolsey here to perhaps even address this question about phantom moles.
The mere fear that there is a mole within an agency can set off a chain
reaction and a hunt for that particular mole which can paralyze the
agency for weeks and months and years even, in a search. The same thing
is true about just the false scare of a threat of using some kind of a
chemical weapon or a biological one. There are some reports, for
example, that some countries have been trying to construct something
like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to
say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some
scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of
pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just
eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some
sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific
crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely
through the use of electromagnetic waves.
So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work
finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's
real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and
that's why this is so important.
end quote
People speculated about the Alaska HAARP research facility for years . It is now mothballed but for many years through 2013 HAARP provided live Induction Magnetometer feeds which this site used to link with. Those devices picked up tiny variations in the earth's magnetic field and even broke them down by frequency. HAARP itself was a large directional antenna array capable of directing beams of radio waves into the stratosphere of earth and possibly by reflection into the ground halfway around the world.
Here you see a live capture of the Induction Magnetometer feed around the time of the 2011 earthquake in Japan.
Sponsor message - Prepare yourself! The Bug Out Bag Book: How To Create An Emergency Gear Bag.
I first became aware of the fascinating interactions of the Sun with the earth by a book called the Jupiter Effect published in the 1970's. Many people (who haven't read the book) wrongly say this book predicted a big California earthquake when instead it simply said the odds of an earthquake were higher when the planets lined up a certain way and caused the sun to have more activity. This book documented many of the interrelated effects using scientific publications listed in it's bibliography which I reproduce here.
The book was the first book I am aware of which made scientific links to phenomenon such as planetary positions, Solar variations, the earth's spin and weather patterns and earthquake triggers. Prior to reading it, if anyone had mentioned the position of the planets affecting anything on Earth I and anyone else would have laughed it off as astrology nonsense. ( Carl Sagan famously said the gravity of the nurse at your birth bedside was stronger than the gravity of any of the planets.) However the author showed clear evidence of such links and gave new and novel scientific explanations of their possible mechanisms.
The most interesting point he made was that the planet's positions affected the sun which was a quivering mass of high energy that was easily perturbed by the drastically changing center of gravity of the solar system when Jupiter moved around in it's orbit. The variations in the sun then affected the earth which no one denies.
Another interesting point he made was that the sun could affect the speed of the earth's rotation slightly by changing its air mass arrangement. the variation was slight but it might be enough to jolt earthquake faults which were nearly ready to break into a full blown earthquake anyway. It would be A bit like the straw that broke the heavily loaded camel's back. In other words the quakes and volcanoes would react more during these periods of increased stress at a particular period of time related to the induced solar variations caused by the planet's particular positions. All and all it was an amazing piece of original scientific conjecture and logic.
The author apparently got a LOT of academic heat for writing the book and has apparently retracted his support of the book to some degree. But that was after writing two sequels saying they correctly predicted increasing earth geologic activity which occured during the time period in question. Regardless of his public support for the book now, the book was well documented with copius peer reviewed papers of other scientists which he listed in the bibliography which documented many of the individual effects he discussed. Those peer reviewed papers of other scientists have never been challenged.
The book "The Jupiter Effect", its successor "The Jupiter Effect Reconsidered" and the latest reprint edition "Beyond The Jupiter Effect" are out of print but can now be purchased used from Amazon for less than $2. Although Amazon rarely has a cover photo, you can see the cover of my personal copy in the last photo below. I highly recommend these books. They provide a wealth of research existing before the internet and provoke you to look at the solar system as far more than bodies of gravity in dull disconnected orbits around each other as most of us were taught.
There is indeed now a huge body of evidence that the solar activity connects the solar system bodies in ways we never imagined.
One of my goals in creating this website was to directly tap many of the new satellite and data feeds that become publicly available for the first time with the creation of the internet. By showing that those scientific feeds existed from reputable scientific organizations like NASA and that indeed those data changed drastically, I hoped to show that the earth exists in a highly volatile environment in space which can and does hugely vary the energy inputs affecting earth. By making those variations visible to everyone I hope to open minds to possible mechanisms by which many external forces affect the Earth and life on Earth.
When this site was first created in 2000 or so, the earthquake experts at Caltech and elsewhere insisted earthquakes were completley random. Most damagingly they ridiculed and discouraged others who had evidence they were not random. The Former Experts at Caltech have since been proven wrong over and over. Connections have been made between distant earthquakes such as Landers and distant geysers (which Caltech rigourously said were coincidences at the time), electric activity preceeding earthquakes, measured stresses and daily variations in the earth's crust, variations in the positions of the moon - particulary large declinations, peizoelectric activity and even early warning devices operating in many different ways in places such as Japan. I have continually added some links to many of those papers that have been written since this website came into being although tere are many many more than I have linked.
When this website was created Geologists insisted earthquake prediction would never be possible in anyway that would help people. Now Japan has early warning alarms and those same geologists now openly speak of Earthquake "Forecasting" (guess they can't admit they were worng about "prediction"). Indeed the former center of earthquake prediction denial in CalTech in the 1990's now openly seeks about $70 million dollars from the state of California to implement a network of sensors to give people in earthquake areas extremely specific short term time warnings about when the energy of an earthquake's S wave will hit within the minute after an earthquake has begun on a fault some distance away. Meanwhile right on this webpage you can buy a $29 device (see top sidebar) that will essentially do the same thing in a very similar way by detecting the P Wave hitting your home seconds or even minutes before the S wave arrives to collapse your house.
This website continues to exist in the hopes it will possibly continue to encourage people to think outside the box and not ridicule novel ideas in science even when at first those ideas may seem far fetched - even ridiculous. I, in particular, often look more closely now at long held beliefs by older civilizations because there is no reason to believe older civilizations were less logical than we are. Therefore, if they held a widespread belief we do not understand, it is likely that we are misinterpreting their belief rather than they continued holding a nonworking illogical belief for centuries. Ancient civilizations precisely calculated seasons and calenders via they stars because their lives depended on it. If they did it they must have had good reason.
The bibliography pages from The Jupiter Effect Reconsidered are reproduced below. They provide other excellent peer reviewed journal articles which are discussed in "The Jupiter Effect" books. "The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes" is also an excellent read.
And don't forget to learn how to prepare yourself for circumstances where the luxuries of society may not be available for a time whether or not you live in an earthqyaje or extreme weather or fire zone. Your purchases help support this website which is not supported by any government or institutional funds.Sponsor message - Prepare yourself! The Bug Out Bag Book: How To Create An Emergency Gear Bag.
(several reprints available) |
Peer Scientific References from Bibliography of 1980's books "The Jupiter Effect"
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I never personally recommend products, but I am making an exception. I have found, tested and I USE in my own home a special $29 advanced warning seismograph alarm (earthquake detector) that is of great value to anyone living in an earthquake zone (like California, Oklahoma, or Japan). It can give you many seconds advance warning before you are really shaken hard by an earthquake or an aftershock with an epicenter several miles away because it detects the slight early vibrations of the P Wave which travels faster than the S wave which shakes everything.
(if you can't see the picture because you run adblock then copy and paste this text http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001D8NMY4/ref=as_sl_pd_tf_lc?tag=electricquakes-20 into a new tab to see it on amazon )
This is not a hoax or gimmick. It is as scientific a sensor as a seismograph (It IS a reverse pendulum seismograph rigged to an alarm that hangs on your wall for $29!)
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Click here to get your earthquake alarm seismograph warning system.*Email this page location to a friend or skeptic!
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Defense Secretary Cohen's Speech about countrys developing earthquake weapons
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